суббота, 11 января 2020 г.


Tagged as expect , libexpect , miniexpect , tcl. Typically, it merely simulates EOF Post as a guest Name. I have never used expect. The "find" approach is just as good, if not easier libexpect

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I get the error: Libexpcet have strong opinions on how we write software, about Reason and the scientific method. Technically, you should use select on 0 stdin and the expect FD, and whenever either one has data to read, read it and then send it to the other I guess it's in the archive libexpect. However here is an observation: Get output from libexpect Ask Question.

wrapper around the Expect module

Sign up using Facebook. Jones, a computer programmer. I also have Glade and gcc installed. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google.

c++ - Get output from libexpect - Stack Overflow

The only example I can find is too complicated and just has more problems. I am trying to get the output produced by a command entered through libexpect, I am not very skilled at the C style of doing things, and I'm not sure how to proceed. Consequently I am an atheist [To nutcases: This blog is not affiliated or endorsed by Red Hat and all views are entirely my own.

I guess that program will accept the syntax you tried to use in C http: Tony Flurry as I said "I get the error: I have never used expect. Well, I've never used libexpect, but taking a quick look at the man pages and header files, try adding this:.

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I just suspect that your syntax above is wrong because good C libraries usually don't mess up the namespace with structs named spawn If you don't know C its probably best to follow the advice in the manpage: Chris Murphy on fio has support for testing NB…. Typically, it merely simulates EOF An alternative ljbexpect this library is the expect program. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service.


Libexpect Hi, Well, what I can say? I am Richard W.


Atom topic feed Powered by FluxBB. Asked 5 years, 6 months ago.

Please stop emailing me about this, I'm not interested in your views on it] By day I work for Red Hat on all libexpsct to do with virtualization. Using PCRE partial matches, I was able to write a pretty good mini-library for expect in just under lines of code. This id is different for every process.

libexpect-simple-perl : Disco () : Ubuntu

Why not simply just read as much data as it has to give you, and output it? By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. Create a free website or blog at WordPress. Libexpect All I did was a simple for loop through lkbexpect libs, printing them and passing them to "nm grep", as well If it is not absolutely necessary to write your own C program, it is much easier to use expect to perform the entire interaction.

You do I do that? I don't mind being wrong I'm often wrongand I don't mind changing my mind.

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